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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hold Still by Nina LaCour

"Sometimes inspiration strikes; other times you have to hunt it down."

In her debut novel, Hold Still, Nina LaCour proves herself an immensely artistic and heartfelt author. I was blown away by the depth of emotion in this book and never lost interest for a second. This author is definitely one I'm going to keep an eye out for in the future. I definitely want to make sure I read whatever else she chooses to write.

Writing from the perspective of teenage Caitlin, LaCour tells the story of a girl dealing with heartbreak of the worst kind -- the death of a loved one. The book begins when Caitlin receives the news that her best friend has committed suicide. Blindsided and shattered, Caitlin must learn how to heel and how to move on after losing the person who knew her best, the one she thought she knew so well.

It's an extremely emotional story as LaCour brings you along for the ride, baring Caitlin's meltdowns and heartbreak. We come alongside the teen as she struggles with making new friends though the prospect of maintaining and possibly losing those friendships terrify her.

I chose this book off the library shelves at random because the binding stood out to me and, once again, I'm extremely glad I did. LaCour has an immense talent for writing and imagery. Her description of the way Caitlin struggles and comes to terms with life are spot on and incredibly believable. Prepare yourself for a few intense moments. You may need to keep a tissue box handy during some of these scenes.

Altogether, it's a wonderful book and one I would heartily suggest to anyone who wants a good read, is dealing with a loss of their own, or is even thinking of ending their own life the way Caitlin's friend did. Suicide hurts everyone involved and leaves a gaping hole in the hearts of the people around them. Your life is too precious a gift to give away.

Heartbreak and new love, despair and hope, breaking and restoration: this book is one hell of a journey and one that will surely touch your heart. You don't want to miss it. I'm glad I didn't.

Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥  ♥

Here she is, once again, never saying things just to say them.

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