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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Conversations on Writing Fiction by Alexander Neubauer

"I think we can begin from the assumption that storytelling is vital to human health. It gives us workable metaphors for our lives." -Clarence Major

In Conversations On Writing Fiction, Alexander Neubauer gives us thirteen interviews he conducted with thirteen fiction writers that also happen to teach fiction writing. The result is an anthology of teachers who know what they're doing, spilling their tactics on how to encourage those who are trying to do something or achieve more with their writing. Each of these teachers comes from a different background, touts a different writing/teaching style, and comes at the writing of fiction from a completely different angle.

I had a little trouble getting through this book, but not because the material was particular disinteresting or difficult. For the most part, I really enjoyed it. I simply tend to have trouble following through with collections of separate works. For some reason, they always take me much longer than other types of books.

Even still, I feel like this book had a lot to offer on the front of improving my writing. I always enjoy learning from a new perspective, particularly when it comes to a subject I love as much as writing. The different perspectives were extremely helpful and gives the reader the opportunity to see each part of the idea of fiction in a new light.

I would suggest this book to anyone who wants to be a writer/teach writing, particularly anyone who might be thinking about taking classes or workshops in that area of study. It covers different methods of teaching that would be beneficial for particular students and is a good place to start when considering what one must do to improve their own work.

Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥

"Writing is like working out; you have to build up to your capacity and then go beyond that. And you have to keep doing that, again and again." -John Irving

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